Aeris is a leading provider of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and services. The company was founded in 1992 and has since grown to become a global leader in the IoT industry. Aeris provides end-to-end IoT solutions that enable businesses to connect and manage their devices, data, and applications. Aeris offers a range of IoT solutions, including connectivity, device management, application enablement, and analytics. The company's connectivity solutions include cellular, satellite, and low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) technologies. Aeris' device management solutions enable businesses to remotely monitor and manage their IoT devices, while its application enablement solutions provide tools for developing and deploying IoT applications. The company's analytics solutions enable businesses to gain insights from their IoT data and make informed decisions. Aeris serves a wide range of industries, including automotive, healthcare, energy, and transportation. The company's solutions are used by some of the world's leading companies, including Honda, Hyundai, and Schneider Electric. One of the key strengths of Aeris is its global network of partners and customers. The company has partnerships with leading technology companies, such as Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, and IBM, which enables it to offer a wide range of IoT solutions and services. Aeris also has a strong customer base, with over 14 million devices connected to its network. Aeris is committed to innovation and is constantly developing new IoT solutions and services. The company has a dedicated research and development team that is focused on developing cutting-edge technologies that can help businesses to improve their operations and achieve their goals. In conclusion, Aeris is a leading provider of IoT solutions and services that enable businesses to connect and manage their devices, data, and applications. The company's global network of partners and customers, combined with its commitment to innovation, make it a trusted partner for businesses looking to leverage the power of IoT.

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